QGIS Hub Plugin - Documentation
Description: A QGIS plugin to fetch resources from the QGIS Hub A QGIS plugin to fetch resources from the QGIS Hub
Author and contributors: Ismail Sunni, Ronit Jadhav
Plugin version: 0.1.2
QGIS minimum version: 3.28
QGIS maximum version: 3.99
Source code: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Hub-Plugin
Last documentation update: 13 September 2024
The official QGIS Hub website offers a collection of useful QGIS resource from QGIS style, layer, and processing model. This QGIS Hub plugin helps you to browse the resources available and add it directly to your QGIS.
Search by resource’s name or creator
Filter by resource type
Resource shown as grid or list:
On the grid view, the thumbnail can be resized
On the list view, the list can be sorted by resource’s name, creator’s name, download count, or uploaded date
Get the latest update of the resources from the QGIS Hub plugin
Resize the thumbnail (only works on grid view)
Button to toggle between grid or list view
Preview of the currently selected resource
Option to open the download directory right after download
Add the resource directly to QGIS:
Style will be added to your style manager
Model will be added to your profile model directory and shown directly on your QGIS
Geopackage will be downloaded on your disk and loaded directly
3D model has no option to add to QGIS directly (you can still download it and use it from 3D style panel)
Layer Definition will be loaded directly
Download the resource on your disk (without adding to QGIS)
Open this help page
The initial idea of the plugin is coming from Tim Sutton, on QGIS Contributor Meeting 2023 ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The plugin has been developed by Ismail Sunni and Ronit Jadhav as part of the Camptocamp open source contribution.