Free and open source

QGIS overview

Giving the power of spatial visualization and decision making tools to everyone


Available on Windows, Mac, Linux

Key features

Create map

Class-leading cartography

Experience QGIS’ extensive set of design options to bring your cartographic ideas to life

Professional map production

Use the intuitive layout design to produce high-quality, large-format print maps

Powerful reporting tools

Create atlases and reports with maps, media and tabular content

Edit map

Exceptional digitizing proficiency

Craft and edit points, lines, polygons, and meshes with precision

Advanced construction tools

Build geometries with curves, CAD-like tools, and an extensive range of geometry transformations

Highly customizable forms

Create user-friendly forms using our form designer

visuzlize map

Comprehensive analysis toolset

Uncover insights from your data with our comprehensive array of XXX analysis tools

Automated analysis workflows

Visually combine analysis tools to create reproducible workflows easily

Extensible analysis environment

Explore a diverse ecosystem of third-party analysis tools for expanded capabilities

share map

Industry-leading format support

Conquer data integration challenges with support for various data sources and formats

Standards and interoperability

Amplify your impact by exploring, utilizing, and creating web services based on industry standards

Publish your work

Extend QGIS to the cloud and mobile devices for wider accessibility

Level up with community resources

Create map

2000+ plugins developed by community

Enhance the functionality of QGIS application with free additional features.

Go to plugins

International conference

Annual international conference to explore the future of QGIS

Connect with professionals, enthusiasts, and QGIS users for networking and knowledge sharing.

Community meetings

Local user groups

Local user groups and support providers

Join a community of like-minded individuals in your region.

Local groups list

Join the community

Cross platform

QGIS Server

Publish your QGIS projects and layers as OGC compatible WMS, WMTS, WFS and WCS services. Control which layers, attributes, layoutClasss and coordinate systems are exported. QGIS server is considered as a reference implementation for WMS 1.3.

QGIS Desktop

Create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information.

Download for Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD and Android.

QGIS Web Client

Publish your QGIS projects on the web with ease.

Benefit from the powerful symbology, labeling and blending features to impress with your maps.

QGIS Web Client 2

QGIS on mobiles and tablets

The QGIS experience does not stop on the desktop. Various third-party touch optimized apps allow you to take QGIS into the field

Case Studies

We gather inspiring stories from actual users that showcase the versatility and power of the QGIS solution

Find out more

Maps showcase

QGIS users demonstrate their creativity, showcasing the app’s powerful map creation capabilities.

Go to maps showcase

Application screenshots

Below are some screenshots from QGIS itself and a selection of Maps which are created with QGIS.

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