
Your support is vital to enhance and promote QGIS as an essential tool for the global GIS community

QGIS is developed by a team of dedicated volunteers, companies and organisations.

We rely on sponsorships and donations for much of our funding. If you would like to support us, donations are very welcome. Donations can be made by electronic funds transfer, by credit card, or by PayPal.

Donations to QGIS are tax-deductible in several countries. Please refer to your local tax office for details. If you want to tax-deduct as a german company or organization, please donate through the German QGIS user group. They can issue a payment confirmation as a tax-exempt german association.

Sustaining Membership

Create a recurring sustaining membership.


Stripe Donation

We use the service to receive credit card donations. Note that the payment fees at Stripe are substantially lower than at Paypal - so we would appreciate it, if you could use Stripe instead of PayPal. No signup needed.


Bank transfer

Use the details below to make a donation via international money transfer:

Account name: QGIS.ORG
Address:      Via Geinas 2
              CH-7031 Laax
IBAN:         CH09 0900 0000 9146 3839 8
Reference:    Donation QGIS
Currency:     EUR
Bank name:    PostFinance AG
Bank address: Mingerstrasse 20
              3030 Berne
VAT-number:   CHE-489.853.176

Paypal Donation

You can use Paypal to donate using your own credit card (but we prefer to use Stripe for that). The payment is processed by PayPal but you don’t need to have a PayPal account or sign-up for one if you are paying by credit card.

You can also use your own Paypal account to donate.

Your support is vital to keep QGIS improving

We would like to extend our activities and improve the quality of QGIS. Your financial contribution will support the maintenance, improvement, and promotion of QGIS. Becoming a sustaining member is a way of ensuring the longevity and overall health of the project.

Enhanced Infrastructure & Development Support

Maintaining Core Infrastructure

  • The official website, a central hub for all things QGIS.
  • Our issue tracking system for efficient bug and feature reporting.
  • The continuous integration system, ensuring code quality and stability through automated tests.

Software Development & QA

  • Continually improve and package QGIS for various operating systems, making it accessible to more users worldwide.
  • Address bugs and other issues promptly, enhancing the user experience.
  • Manage pull requests and conduct thorough code reviews, ensuring the highest standards of software development.

Community Growth & Engagement

Empowering Our Volunteers

  • Mentoring new contributors, fostering a welcoming and productive community.
  • Translating QGIS into multiple languages, making the software truly global.
  • Running the QGIS grant system, enabling focused work on significant improvements and innovations that are often challenging for volunteers to undertake on their own.

Fostering Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

  • Organizing and supporting contributor meetings and QGIS conferences, essential for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the collective advancement of the QGIS project.

QGIS.ORG wants to be transparent with the funds we receive and how we spend them. Please have a look at the financial reports and budgets in our Finance section.