Daily Reports

We generate reports on a daily basis to monitor the status of QGIS Server.

OGC Certification

QGIS Server 3.28 is currently certified for WMS 1.3.0 (see OGC Reference Implementation).

In order to detect regressions, OGC tests are run daily basis master branch. Reports are generated for several OGC testsuites:

Latest reports are WMS 1.3.0 and WFS 1.1.0.


At the moment, two tools are available to test and generate performance reports.

The first one is MS-Perfs which supports comparison of QGIS Server with other map servers (like GeoServer or MapServer). Reports are generated weekly and available here.

The second one is Graffiti, which supports comparing versions of QGIS Server and/or specific project options (parallel rendering, trust option, and so on). Reports are also generated daily, and are available at. Note that QGIS-Server-PerfSuite provides the deployment infrastructure to run Graffiti in continuous integration.


A global overview of our security can be found using the OpenSSF Scorecard report tool.

This gives a quick overview of the best practices used in QGIS project. Some practices are however not applicable to a desktop GUI, like Fuzz testing, or Pinned Dependencies.

Security is a permanent process, more details about our security approach are available on our dedicated page.