Tag: chatgpt

LLM-based spatial analysis assistants for QGIS

After the initial ChatGPT hype in 2023 (when we saw the first LLM-backed QGIS plugins, e.g. QChatGPT and QGPT Agent), there has been a notable slump in new development. As far as I can tell, none of the early plugins are actively maintained anymore. They were nice tech demos but with limited utility.

However, in the last month, I saw two new approaches for combining LLMs with QGIS that I want to share in this post:

IntelliGeo plugin: generating PyQGIS scripts or graphical models

At the QGIS User Conference in Bratislava, I had the pleasure to attend the “Large Language Models and GIS” workshop presented by Gustavo Garcia and Zehao Lu from the the University of Twente. There, they presented the IntelliGeo Plugin which enables the automatic generation of PyQGIS scripts and graphical models.

The workshop was packed. After we installed all dependencies and the plugin, it was exciting to test the graphical model generation capabilities. During the workshop, we used OpenAI’s API but the readme also mentions support for Cohere.

I was surprised to learn that even simple graphical models are actually pretty large files. This makes it very challenging to generate and/or modify models because they take up a big part of the LLM’s context window. Therefore, I expect that the PyQGIS script generation will be easier to achieve. But, of course, model generation would be even more impressive and useful since models are easier to edit for most users than code.

Image source: https://github.com/MahdiFarnaghi/intelli_geo

ChatGeoAI: chat with PyQGIS

ChatGeoAI is an approach presented in Mansourian, A.; Oucheikh, R. (2024). ChatGeoAI: Enabling Geospatial Analysis for Public through Natural Language, with Large Language Models. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.13, 348.

It uses a fine-tuned Llama 2 model in combination with spaCy for entity recognition and WorldKG ontology to write PyQGIS code that can perform a variety of different geospatial analysis tasks on OpenStreetMap data.

The paper is very interesting, describing the LLM fine-tuning, integration with QGIS, and evaluation of the generated code using different metrics. However, as far as I can tell, the tool is not publicly available and, therefore, cannot be tested.

Image source: https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/13/10/348

Are you aware of more examples that integrate QGIS with LLMs? Please share them in the comments below. I’d love to hear about them.

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Building spatial analysis assistants using OpenAI’s Assistant API

Earlier this year, I shared my experience using ChatGPT’s Data Analyst web interface for analyzing spatiotemporal data in the post “ChatGPT Data Analyst vs. Movement Data”. The Data Analyst web interface, while user-friendly, is not equipped to handle all types of spatial data tasks, particularly those involving more complex or large-scale datasets. Additionally, because the code is executed on a remote server, we’re limited to the libraries and tools available in that environment. I’ve often encountered situations where the Data Analyst simply doesn’t have access to the necessary libraries in its Python environment, which can be frustrating if you need specific GIS functionality.

Today, we’ll therefore start to explore alternatives to ChatGPT’s Data Analyst Web Interface, specifically, the OpenAI Assistant API. Later, I plan to dive deeper into even more flexible approaches, like Langchain’s Pandas DataFrame Agents. We’ll explore these options using spatial analysis workflow, such as:

  1. Loading a zipped shapefile and investigate its content
  2. Finding the three largest cities in the dataset
  3. Selecting all cities in a region, e.g. in Scandinavia from the dataset
  4. Creating static and interactive maps

To try the code below, you’ll need an OpenAI account with a few dollars on it. While gpt-3.5-turbo is quite cheap, using gpt-4o with the Assistant API can get costly fast.

OpenAI Assistant API

The OpenAI Assistant API allows us to create a custom data analysis environment where we can interact with our spatial datasets programmatically. To write the following code, I used the assistant quickstart and related docs (yes, shockingly, ChatGPT wasn’t very helpful for writing this code).

Like with Data Analyst, we need to upload the zipped shapefile to the server to make it available to the assistant. Then we can proceed to ask it questions and task it to perform analytics and create maps.

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI()

file = client.files.create(
  file=open("H:/ne_110m_populated_places_simple.zip", "rb"),

Then we can hand the file over to the assistant:

assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
  name="GIS Analyst",
  instructions="You are a personal GIS data analyst. Write and rund code to answer geospatial analysis questions",
  tools=[{"type": "code_interpreter"}],
  model="gpt-3.5-turbo",  # or "gpt-4o"
    "code_interpreter": {
      "file_ids": [file.id]

Then we can start asking questions and giving our assistant tasks:

thread = client.beta.threads.create()

message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(
  content="Please load the zipped shapefile and describe the content"
assistant > The shapefile has been successfully loaded as a GeoDataFrame with the following details:

- The GeoDataFrame has 243 entries.
- It contains a total of 38 columns with various data types including integer, float, and object types.
- One of the columns is a geometry column representing the spatial information.

If you have any specific analysis or visualizations you would like to perform on this data, feel free to let me know!

The docs have a nice example for how to stream the answers back, e.g. into a Jupyter notebook. I’ve used it to create a small convenience function:

def ask_another_question(question):
    message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(
    with client.beta.threads.runs.stream(
    ) as stream:

ask_another_question("Please list the three largest cities")
assistant > code_interpreter

# Sort the GeoDataFrame by the population in descending order
largest_cities = gdf.sort_values(by='pop_max', ascending=False).head(3)[['name', 'pop_max']]
assistant > The three largest cities in the dataset, along with their maximum population numbers, are as follows:

1. Tokyo: 35,676,000
2. New York: 19,040,000
3. Mexico City: 19,028,000

These cities have the highest recorded maximum population numbers in the dataset. Let me know if you need any further information or analysis!
ask_another_question("extract all scandinavian cities ")
assistant > To extract all the Scandinavian cities from the dataset, we can filter the GeoDataFrame based on the countries typically considered part of Scandinavia. These countries include Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and sometimes Iceland. Let's filter the GeoDataFrame to extract the Scandinavian cities.
assistant > code_interpreter

# List of countries typically considered part of Scandinavia
scandinavian_countries = ['Norway', 'Sweden', 'Denmark', 'Finland', 'Iceland']

# Filter the GeoDataFrame for Scandinavian cities
scandinavian_cities = gdf[gdf['adm0name'].isin(scandinavian_countries)][['name', 'adm0name']]

scandinavian_cities.head()  # Displaying the first few Scandinavian cities
assistant > Here are some of the Scandinavian cities extracted from the dataset:

1. Reykjavík, Iceland
2. Oslo, Norway
3. Helsinki, Finland
4. København (Copenhagen), Denmark
5. Stockholm, Sweden

These are just a few examples of Scandinavian cities present in the dataset. If you would like the complete list or perform any specific analysis on these cities, feel free to let me know!
    "please create a world map with all cities (use gray circles) "
    "with scandinavian cities highlighted as red circles. "
assistant > To create a world map with all cities represented as gray circles and Scandinavian cities highlighted as red circles, we will use the GeoPandas library for mapping. Let's go ahead and create the map.
assistant > code_interpreter

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plot all cities with gray circles and Scandinavian cities with red circles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))

# Plot all cities in gray circles
gdf.plot(ax=ax, color='lightgrey', markersize=5)

# Plot Scandinavian cities in red circles
scandinavian_cities.plot(ax=ax, color='red', markersize=50, edgecolor='black', label='Scandinavian Cities')

# Set the title
ax.set_title('World Map with Scandinavian Cities Highlighted', fontsize=16)

# Add legend

# Display the map
assistant > It seems that there was an error while plotting the map because the GeoDataFrame `scandinavian_cities` does not have the necessary numeric data to plot the map directly.

output >

assistant > Here is the world map with all cities represented as gray circles and Scandinavian cities highlighted as red circles. The map provides a visual representation of the locations of the Scandinavian cities in relation to the rest of the cities around the world. If you need any further assistance or modifications, feel free to let me know!

To load and show the image, we can use:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

def show_image():
    messages = client.beta.threads.messages.list(thread_id=thread.id)

    for m in messages.data:
        if m.role == "user":
        if m.content[0].type == 'image_file':
            image_data = client.files.content(messages.data[0].content[0].image_file.file_id)
            image_data_bytes = image_data.read()
            with open("./out/my-image.png", "wb") as file:
            image = mpimg.imread("./out/my-image.png")

Asking for an interactive map in an html file works in a similar fashion.

You can see the whole analysis workflow it in action here:

This way, we can use ChatGPT to perform data analysis from the comfort of our Jupyter notebooks. However, it’s important to note that, like the Data Analyst, the code we execute with the Assistant API runs on a remote server. So, again, we are restricted to the libraries available in that server environment. This is an issue we will address next time, when we look into Langchain.


ChatGPT’s Data Analyst Web Interface and the OpenAI Assistant API both come with their own advantages and disadvantages.

The results can be quite random. In the Scandinavia example, every run can produce slightly different results. Sometimes the results just use different assumptions such as, e.g. Finland and Iceland being part of Scandinavia or not, other times, they can be outright wrong.

As always, I’m interested to hear your experiences and thoughts. Have you been testing the LLM plugins for QGIS when they originally came out?

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ChatGPT Data Analyst vs movement data

Today, I took ChatGPT’s Data Analyst for a spin. You’ve probably seen the fancy advertising videos: just drop in a dataset and AI does all the analysis for you?! Let’s see …

Of course, I’m not going to use some lame movie database or flower petals data. Instead, let’s go all in and test with a movement dataset.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, they say. — Well, Data Analyst, you didn’t impress on the first try. How hard can it be to guess the delimiter and act accordingly?

Anyway, let’s help it a little:

That looks much better. It makes an effort to guess what the columns could mean and successfully identifies the spatiotemporal information.

Now for some spatial analysis. On first try, it didn’t want to calculate the length of the trajectories in geographic terms, but we can make it to:

It will also show the code used to get to the results:

And indeed, these are close enough to the results computed using MovingPandas:

“What about plots?” I hear you ask.

For a first try, not bad at all:

Let’s see if we can push it further:

Looks like poor Data Analyst ended up in geospatial library dependency hell 😈

It’s interesting to watch it try find a solution.

Alas, no background map appears:

Not giving up yet :)

Woah, what happened here? It claims it created an interactive map in an HTML file.

And indeed it did:

This has been a very interesting experiment for me with many highs and lows. The whole process is a bit hit and miss. But when it does work, it’s fun.

I wasn’t sure what to expect with regards to Data Analyst’s spatial data processing capabilities. Looks like there are enough examples in its training data to find solutions for the basic trajectory analysis problems I asked it solve today, eventually, at least.

What’s the conclusion? Most AI marketing videos are severely overselling the capabilities of these tools. However, that doesn’t mean that they are completely useless, either. I’m looking forward to seeing the age of smaller open source models specifically trained for geospatial analysis to finally make it unnecessary for humans to memorize data analysis library syntax.

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